Are you using social media strategically to nurture your reputation and advance your career goals?

Whether you’re fresh out of college or launching an entrepreneurial idea, potential employers and partners will weigh your digital identity – and so should you.

More than one third of employers (35 percent) say they are less likely to interview job candidates if they are unable to find information about that person online
— CareerBuilder's annual social media recruitment survey

It pays to see our digital society for the best it has to offer: A vast and ever-evolving network of people, either well-known to you or waiting to be discovered, who can lead you to your first job, your next opportunity, the fulfillment of a professional passion.

Transform your job search into career discovery.


For job-seekers, social media has become the forum where you make your first impression, nurture your reputation, and find and seize your opportunities.

73% of recruiters have hired a candidate through social media and 93% of hiring managers will review social profiles before offering a job.
— Jobvite social media survey

In a world where jobs arise and evaporate with increasing fluidity, where skillsets are rapidly evolving, where freelancing and entrepreneurialism are commonplace, where every individual has the potential to be an online brand – it can make a decisive difference.


The way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


We Make a Difference.

“As a parent, I would definitely recommend hiring DigitalFirst. Not only have they helped with my daughter’s college admissions but have also helped her gain an edge professionally. They expertly build a compelling digital presence based on the student’s interests. Their intuitive digital centric career coaching methods are right for our times.

DigitalFirst is a must-have in today’s world.”

— Allison A.

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